🌿Eco Friendly Bathroom Purchases For 2024🌿

    Lately, my husband and I have been wanting to move away from single-use items to save us money, as well as be less wasteful and (arguably), most importantly, stay away from microplastics and PFAs as much as possible! This year, in particular, being in our own place, we have had a lot more control over the types of items we purchase and use in our day-to-day lives. I wanted to share some of my favorite Amazon finds from this year's eco-friendly side quest! If you do end up getting any of the items I mentioned, let me know in the comments how you like them! Disclaimer, all products linked in this blog post are affiliate links. You can purchase without using the affiliate link as well, but using it helps me tremendously, so thank you!

    Let's start with what we are all dreading and are also the most interested in. I'm ready to get this out of the way; what about you? 
💩Let's get this potty started💩

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    First off is arguably the best purchase on this list. This is one of those small luxuries in life that you think sounds weird or funny at first, but once you try it, you can never, ever go back. I wanted to try out the bidet in an attempt to use less toilet paper (it's so expensive, and I feel like it just doesn't work!) I have always felt gross or unclean after using toilet paper, and that's not even mentioning the bits left behind that you find later while washing in the shower... 🤢 I knew there had to be another way. This is a great option because it includes front and back washing. I love that the pressure is adjustable, and don't let the water temp scare you; it will not be as cold as you think! The bidet is not only a hit with my husband but also with our guests! Some have even stated they want one of their own. This is your chance! Sometimes, this particular bidet is on sale for even less, and don't even get me started on how easy it is to set up. It takes less than an hour- so worth it!

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    Speaking of toilet paper, you might be thinking: but Emma, if your butt is wet from the bidet, won't the toilet paper just fall apart more? Technically no. You can still use regular toilet paper with the bidet to dry yourself off. Let me tell you, though, you will already be clean, so it sort of feels more like you are trying to dry yourself off after a shower with napkins or paper towels. What I got instead was a small closed-lid trash bin and this excellent roll of reusable cotton toilet UNpaper by Marley's Monsters. There are tons of brands, and Marley's also has other designs, but Izzy and I particularly loved the rainbow colors. These try you really quickly, they are soft, and then I toss them in the bin by the trash for washing at the end of the week. They do not smell, even when the bin is opened, and they clean super easily in the wash (with hot water) with a splash of bleach or vinegar for disinfection at the end of the week. This toilet UNpaper alone has saved us $80 since getting it. The downside is some guests may be put off by the UNpaper or assume you just wipe with it without the bidet first. I always keep some regular toilet paper on hand for guests, but once you try these, you can't go back. When I'm out and about, I get so sad if I have to use the restroom, knowing the luxuries of the bidet and UNpaper at home.

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    If you only get one single thing from this entire blog post, let it be this. This is transformative. It is life-changing, it is everything. If you have ever been camping and had to squat to go, and you felt the amazing relief that comes from being in a knees-up position, imagine it happening all the time. If you have never had the pleasure of knees-up poop- please, get this. It is meant to be experienced at least once in your life, but if you are like me, then ask yourself, why not every day instead? This has helped both myself and Izzy in so many ways with our previous bowel issues. You can only eat so much fiber and vegetables and stay so hydrated. Sometimes those things aren't enough, and you need ✨the right position✨ The squatting position is the natural way we were intended to poop, and while this is not a perfect squat like one in the woods, this will make other toilet encounters lacking the squatty potty feel, incorrect. Get this item, affiliate link or not, and change your life today. You deserve a good poop. 

    Ok, so now enough with the bowel talk. Let's talk about stuff that is more fun
    🎶Let's talk about suds, baby🎶

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    I recently noticed that as I've gotten older, scents, perfumes, fragrances, call them what you'd like; they bother my skin deeply. I love smelling good, but at what cost? I was constantly having an itchy scalp, irritated facial skin with weird breakouts, and rashes around my scalp. I finally said enough is enough, and looked up unscented shampoo and conditioner. I wanted it in a bar form due to how long they last, less plastic waste, and lower cost overall, and I was not disappointed. I came across the Ethique brand items and thought I'd give it a go.
    I was not expecting to love the bar shampoo and conditioner, as I had previously tried several brands to no avail, but wow! I really love this brand. My hair is thin, and the only time it isn't puffy and frizzy is when it is greasy... but then it's greasy. This weightlessly keeps my hair under control while cleaning the buildup from my scalp and keeping me feeling super fresh and clean. My hair has never been happier, and no more crazy rashes for me! I have heard excellent things about the other scents as well, but if you have ever wondered about a great cruelty-free, low-waste shampoo bar that is unscented- try this one!
    In my quest to limit plastic waste, I have also decided to move back toward bar soap. Most bar soap with natural essential oils tends not to bother me, but I wanted to be on the safe side and have a backup ol' reliable, if you will, in the event I try a nice-smelling soap that is not so very nice to my skin. This ended up being excellent as well! It's easy on my skin and wallet and keeps me smelling fresh!

    Yes, yes, Emma. That's all good and well, but bar soap is so hard to lather! I rub it on my body—no suds. I rub it in my hands—barely suds! How can we bring the bar of soap back if it isn't sudsy? Fear not—this is where the tried-and-true loofa comes in. There are several options based on what you are looking for. Let me tell you what has worked for me. 

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    This natural loofah cuts down on plastic waste, helps you suds up your soap and it's ✨exfoliating✨ Want to be super soft and smooth out of the shower? This is your pal. It feels super similar to a classic plastic loofah but lasts far longer and is much better for the environment. It also looks and feels like a little luxury in your bathroom. 

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    Looking for something softer, more sudsy, and, again, downright luxurious? The natural sea sponge is for you. This is so soft, and best of all, it lasts a long time, is biodegradable, and avoids plastic waste! If you have particularly sensitive skin that cannot withstand frequent exfoliation, I highly recommend this one!

    On to soaps that us with ✨youthful✨ skin, or in other words, acne-prone skin. Yes, you can get facial cleanser in bar soap form, and it most definitely saves you money!

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    CeraVe is the classic with sensitive skin homies. There are several soap bar versions of their most popular types, but the foaming cleanser bar is a fan favorite of my husband and me. Trying to heal my skin after switching away from my old shampoos was hard! It was angry, inflamed, and broken out due to my sensitivities to them. I had weird bumps, discoloration, and milia. This CeraVe bar gently cleansed my skin in the meantime to help it get back to its usual glow. 

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    The famous African Black Soap Bar from Shea Moisture has its notoriety for a reason. If my face is acting up, especially due to hormonal fluctuations (hello, period acne), this is my go-to. This was also a lifesaver during my teen years and early 20s because of how combination it was- so much oil and also super dry! It is relatively gentle, too, so it cleanses and clears up acne without all the crazy harsh chemicals we know and love as tried and true in the skincare world. If you have tried it all and want to try something new, this might be for you. Beware, though. The purging acne is wild. I personally found it super satisfying because I'm a stinker and pop my pimples- but just know you will be seeing some crazy acne the first 2 weeks of using this before your skin starts to clear up. 

    Now onto my silly niche bathroom ritual that I live for...
🦷You only care for the teeth you want to keep🦷
    Did you know an absurd number of tooth care items contain plastic and shed a ton of microplastics and PFAS we inadvertently ingest? I wanted to do better in areas that wouldn't significantly impact my oral health in a negative way, so I did some research, and these are the switches I made. 

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    Did you know that traditional dental floss is not refillable and is also made out of plastic? Like the entire thing, with the exception of the metal floss cutter portion? That is a lot of waste! Especially for the part of tooth care considered most crucial by dental health professionals! I'm not sure how much floss the average person uses in their life, but considering it takes thousands if not millions of years for plastic to degrade, that adds up! This floss is made of biodegradable material and comes with a refillable container with a cutter. You can purchase refills from this brand or others that fit the container, and let me tell you what, it works. Unlike traditional floss, this is a bit more textured, so I've personally noticed it seems to pick up more food, debris, and plaque from between my teeth. I also think it's super cute on my counter as well! I will be telling all who will listen about this because I love it so much!

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    Now, this one was hard to find. I wanted to try to find affordable toothpaste tablets that did not come in plastic packaging, and that contained fluoride. 
    There is a huge anti-fluoride movement happening in the eco-friendly and naturopathic care communities due to false beliefs that it is unsafe, causes defects or learning disorders, or that is causing the "pineal gland to calcify." There is no evidence to support those myths, and they have all been debunked time and time again. In fact, in many studies, fluoride has been found to be the only main active ingredient in toothpaste that prevents cavities by remineralizing teeth. Check out some more info on that here if you are skeptical or curious! 
    That said, as a person who is super prone to developing cavities, it was important that I found a toothpaste tablet that included fluoride. There was a year in college when a friend gifted me a few fluoride-free toothpaste, and let's just say my dentist visit that year was abysmal. 
    Toothpaste tabs are not super affordable yet, but these won't break the bank if you are committed to switching away from plastic-contained products. I mitigated the cost of these by switching the floss, using the UNpaper, and bidet, so this was not a hole in my pocket by anymeans. I'm hoping they are more affordable in the future, however. 
    The one downside to the tablets is that they aren't as viscerally minty as paste toothpaste. It still tasted fine, but everything was a bit blunted. However, Izzy and I still think each other's breath smells great, so I think it's a win! 

    While there are so many plastic things in this world, and we can't get hung up on the whole microplastic and PFAs thing without our minds going numb, there are some things we can all do to mitigate exposure. These were just a few items I've replaced this year to hopefully be happier, healthier, and more eco-friendly and considerate of others in the future. 
    That's all I have for my favorite bathroom purchases from Amazon in 2024! Do you have any eco-friendly and/or plastic-free products you've tried that you love? Did you try any of the products in this post? Let me know in the comments! I would love to hear from you! 

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